Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"His plans are always moving in the direction of perfect fulfillment and completeness..."
and He is watching us and smiling...hehe.

Yay! I didn't say it (that which is in quotes), but i affirm this statement ~spoken by a wise woman. Today in church, the word was ~the only thing to be anxious about is whether or not you are fulfilling God's plan for your life! my first counter thought- is that we are not suppose to be anxious, about anything, but with petition and prayer bring every worry and fear before God. But yes, it is the priority that should be on the top or should embody all that we do. The 2nd word was that God has a plan for your life...yes! for anyone who does not know that, I pray that He makes that ever-real in your heart...such awesome plans that are laid out for your life, your gifts, a reason, your trials, a reason, your strifes, there'll be a reason!! :) . The potential is GREAT...focus not on your weakness, rather press on in your strengths. One of the best decisions of your life is to decide to throw off your insecurities and put your confidence in Him.

oh... and... there are a lot of people who don't represent the gospel well.
let's represent the love of Christ...and seek doing it better than well.


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