Our little reminder of God's great grace.
And proud poppa holding you oh so tight,
Our little reminder of God's great might.
Affections and joy strengthen every hour,
Our little reminder of God's great power.
Screeches and smiles do our heart's delight,
Our little reminder of God's great light.
A particular look with each new need,
Our little reminder of God's great deed.
....Your loveliness does deserve a known story,
....You're our little reminder of God's great glory.
2 Thessalonians 1:11
May God make you worthy of his calling and bring to fruition, by His Power, your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this that the name of the Our Lord Jesus, may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
At 7:01 PM ,
Unknown said...
Candi!!! this is awesome!!! i need to print it out with the picture and everything for aurora to see when she gets older! you are awesome adn i am so glad that you are aurora's godmother. she is extremely lucky to have you in her life!!! God bless you as yous eek his face always!!!
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