Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The women as pastors issue is really buggin' me. I'm not entirely sure why it is causing such a reaction within me. Is it just because I want defend the position or because people who act like Pharosies about it really annoy me? I talked to a friend the other day, who is a woman pastor, who is the "head of the church" which is stretching it, because Christ is actually the head of the church, but you catch my drift. She said she just tries to stay away from this topic with those who disagree. Her arguments for why she believes it is acceptable are the typical ...but I think her best one is that she felt called to be a pastor. She is one of the most sincere women that i know, someone i truly truly admire, let's call her PC. PC said that if she ever felt like God was calling her out of mininstry, if God was like, "Nope PC, you sorta got it all wrong." then she wouldn't have a problem saying- "Yes, Lord." But at this point, she's called. That's everything. You can't be judging people's calling.
This argument can go in circles though.
~because of the various interpretations of scripture.
PC is also married to a very respectable man. He totally supports her in her calling. Together their marriage is very egalitarian although he is equipped in areas which she is not and vise-versa. He takes the lead in those areas and she takes the lead in others. These are my observations, so I'll get it straight from the horses mouth eventually to report on. ~Gotta take Dad to work.


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