Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Things That Make you Go HMMmm?...
and then the things that you make you go ahhh.

The things that make me go hmmm...
I haven't surrounded myself with too many friends who are "hMMmm"-kind-of-people lately, but i did spend the day with some friends from high school that never cease to CraCk me uP with their shinanigans! JessiB, (although she's married now, will reside in everyone's heart as JessiB. Jess Slug? no. ~no one is willing to make the switch) she'll make you go: "hMMmm?" It was her wedding ceremony that the priest had to refocus her during her vows, ha.

...Bri was the kind of kid that would made you go- hMMmm? ~ it amused him. He loved to make me laugh, anyone really. It was laughter, however, that never had enough force to make it through the voice box, but your whole body spazes out and your eyes start tearin' up all over the place. Now that's a good AB workout!
...Mr. Sprinkle, 8th grade history, obsessed with trains, weird guy. I'd love to see some of my friends' reaction to this man, they'd be past the- HMMmm? stAGE.
Geeeeeeez, I'm having trouble thinking of HMMmm? moments! Going all the way back to JR High!?

Oh, I know, last week, I watched like 10 minutes of Millionare, and the question was something to the effect, "Which city IS NOT on the mainland of Europe?" Dublin, Madrid, Warsaw, or Lisbon? This woman, looked about in her 40's, was clueless. So she decides to use her 50/50... now it's down to Dublin or Madrid, and THEN she uses an audience poll for the two choices.... Well, of course, the audience is overwhelmingly taken by one and a there are few who just want to see her lose.... With uncertainty she says, "well, I'm an Irish girl sooo I'm going to go wth Dublin as my final answer." Du du duuuubLIn! WOW! She's Irish and she had to use her 50/50 ANNNNnndD an audience poll?!!? I'd like to know what kind of test they make you take before you go on that show!! And what kind of an Irish woman is she! All's I had to say was whoooooa. Maybe she misunderstood the question, i dunno. Both Alicia and I were sliiiightly outraged.

And then the Ahhhh moments.

I do believe that one of the best things in the world isssssss bike riding at night. It was one of those moments... I was overtaken with the feeling of danger and excitment, that at any moment anything could jump out you and heaven-knows what could happen. so you're on guard for... come whatever may...
The "Ahhh moment" officially occurred, however, with the sweet aroma of honey suckle, aaaaHhhhh. Praise the Lord for honey suckles. childhood memories maybe, i dunno it does something to the hippocampus.


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