So. Here's the Deal. I was on this women in ministry kick. ~Especially women as pastors. I chatted everyone's ear off that would allow it....and picked people's brains on their opinions. The conclusion? I love being passionate about what the Bible has to express to us! It's a wonderful feeling to be inspired! I always get this way when i start investigating the The Word of God and commentaries about a particular topic. The women in ministry is quite a personal one, being a women. At first, I hypothesized that they way a man felt about this issue may reflect how he treats women in general... a thought that I am now retracting. The issue is not the theological belief but rather the interpersonal reaction. Honoring one another in spite of these differences is the godly response. Are there not more important issues to be dwelt apon than who has authority over who... Christ is Our Lord. As we seek to be made perfect while we are aliens of this earth, we have a plethora of productive material/duties/responsibilities/joys/life to attend to. :D
At 6:53 PM ,
Kevin Cieslukowski said...
yo cand...long time no talk.
i laughed at you taking dad to work.
some good father-daughter bonding huh!?!
how many more days? we are coming to graduation. no pressure.
luv kev
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