Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wrap Your Mind Around That

The Bible says that we were bought at a price, that is, if we believe that Jesus died to redeem us and restore our relationship with Him (and after we believe -allow it to change our lives)... We were bought with the blood of the Creator of the World. Don't ask me exactly how that works... ask God. He might answer you, he'll probably lead you to read His Inspired Word... where there is some explanation about the significance of sacrifice to bring restoration... We were created to be holy... and after the tree of knowledge incident... our holiness was stripped away... but wants us to be able to reach that level of love and purity with Him... so He came... talk about open doors! my head hurts. I just think it's cool that we were bought at a price... we're not here for our own pleasures but to do the Will of God... to obey... to bear fruit and to stay on our side of the garden... in the animal kingdom... those insects and little guys with the bright colors signify poisonous qualities to warn the other animals... I'm going to start wearing bright colors too to see if it works on humans, usually I'm just more attracted... Lord guide us with your wisdom!


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