Yes, I've taken up aqua jogging with Liz! running? mmm, na. can't do it. Once I'm in mint condition, I'd like to take up soccer as well. I was never really a fan, but i recently bought a soccer ball at WalMart and I do believe i love the sport. :] My next sporting goods purchase is going to be a volley ball so I can round up some games at the college. That should be a blast! Excpet everyone always has work too do, tooo busy to play! I don't remember doing that much work in college, what's the deal!?
Also, my new job in the city is going way better to an extreme than i could have imagined. I've only been really doing it for 4 days but I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it if it stays at this awesome even pace. I've just agreed to overtime hours! whoohoo! I do love my kids, they're pretty much amazing! love em, love em, love em! I, I, I, about to tire out... too bad the aqua jogging never happened tonight! some of us had other plansssss. so then why the pain behind the eyes? it's this people job... i love 'em but it means sometimes you gotta love when u don't feel it. C.S. Lewis says that's the funny thing about goodness. People are sometimes good just for the sake of being good without any alternative motive! wow! But people aren't bad just for the sake of being bad, they're bad because it brings about some desire/pleasure/outcome they intend. It's not that way for goodness. Good is Good. Bad is like....parasitic, feeding off of good but distorting the whole thing. It reminds me of an Autoimmune Disease...... u know I'm getting tired now, these words look too close to fuzzies. goodnight!
At 5:37 AM ,
Kevin Cieslukowski said...
how bout a paragraph sis?!?!
it's easy, just hit the return button!
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