(there, return button-Happy kev? :P)
Ya know, sometimes you just don't feel like using the return button. its just usin' up empty space! what the heck! And is that really how all your thoughts are coming out your head? I do try and recreate these words on the page to emulate the happenings within... whoa, most people think that's a scary place to be diving into! ha, it is!
Sometimes it comes out similar to my thoughts and other times it really doesn't. But this morning, it's 7:15, going into work later than usual, had some OJ and coffee and talkin' to Mom about our voices. They're practically the same voice! And its funny because we talk the same, laugh the same, immagulate the same, ask questions the same, same, same, same, sometimes Poppa C can't even distinguish.
Your finger print is all you have in this world that's yours, which is fine, it reminds me, I love my hands! They're a little big and not very danty, but what are ya gonna do? They weren't made to be showy that's for sure! They were made to help kids and parents and teachers -at this moment, but one day I'll take them to massage school so I can get paid for helping people feel relaxed from their stresses! so cool!
I heard on the radio, because I listen to it for 2 hours a day in the car on all my driving excursions, that the phenomenon "helper's high" is like a stimulating drug. Implement that into your drug rehab treatment! People get a rush from helping others! That's so awesome. It releases happy hormones! wow!
I love how God created us! The mystery is cool but some specifically drawn out directions with cute pictures are often desired! :P the cute pictures God leaves for us arrrre however... that's like the sunrise, ahhh, cascading mountains, oooo, glorious beaches, ooo, and those beautiful people u love, aaah.
Love you MomMom and PopPop Chez! and hope MomMom and Pop MacBain are livin' it up in Florida! ~love you guys too!
At 5:40 AM ,
Kevin Cieslukowski said...
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