Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

"We're so Blessed." As freshman in college, Kristy and I spent much free time driving around campus, the various back roads, wild and windy, admiring PA's beauty and peacefulness... on those drives we contemplated the complexities of life, psychoanalyzed all of our friends, more than once, and embraced the newness of life as a first year student at Messiah College. We often acknowledged how blessed we were by our surroundings/friends/nature/professors/family and each other. She's a better story-teller than I so I'm sure if you asked her she'd be able to recall thousands of driving stories -tears were shed, punches were thrown, belly laughes were erupted... It will always be fun to stir those memories... howeva I wouldn't trade now for then... Now there's a whole story to be written. I've attempted to write some new chapters buuuuut as usual, my ink/my inspiration ran out...
sources were unaccredited, darn APA.
God's a better writer anyhow... and you know what, he doesn't follow any manual! Amen! "so blessed."

Sunday, August 27, 2006

And it's all good. may wonder where you're headed, and even why you've been where you have been and then ask yourself why the world you are where you are... i think the answer seems vague when it's a makeshift route. There's really A LOT TO LEARN still. You may be 22 and think you know the ropes... I'm pretty sure that I don't, which I'm bettin' is the best place to start. The next question in order to get the ball rollin' is ...what does it mean to serve? It's probably the question that will take you where you need to be... and if prayerfully considered, where the Lord wants you to be. Hopefully at the end of that kind of day, the Lord will be able to say, "my good and faithful servant, with you I am well pleased."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

There is a reason and a season for all aburdities under the sun. In this case all does not mean all. Please exclude the obnoxious sins of men, violence, jealousy, hate, evil, murderous rage, greed, immorality, deceit, and distortions that once existed in the form of goodness and love. There is no season for these, but as a result, the season called brokenness and repentence is the essential bridge of time we must cross(its like a time machine that zaps us in motion) in order to enter the exact orbital position where we may experience the seasons of the glory of the Almighty.

"Let yourself be carried." by the Almighty. on wings like eagles... sounds like an adventure!

Friday, August 18, 2006

What's missing?

Something is just missing. I'm not sure what it is... order?structure? trust? faith? It's this constant nagging that won't quit.... when i figure it out... I'll update. that's what this b-l-o-g is all about. Truth, honesty, just tellin' it like it is. :P

Thursday, August 17, 2006

"This torch that I've found must be drowned..."

I'm not sure what that means because I don't know all of the words to this song Ella Fitzgerald is singing, but I'll look it

"Youd never know it, but buddy Im a kind of poet. And Ive got a lot of things Id like to say. And if Im gloomy, please listen to me. Till its talked away. Well thats how it goes, and joe, I know your gettin Anxious to close. Thanks for the cheer. I hope you didnt mind my bending your ear. But this torch that I found, its gotta be drowned or its gonna explode..."

well apparently, this dude is de-pressed, and de-burdening upon the bartender as he drinks his worries away... so his torch represents his woes of life. ..he's just trying to get it off his chest so he doesn't have to suffer from some sort of explosive anger disorder... sounds like he's aware, good sign... the alcoholism is what I'm concerned about. He's uhhhh, drowning his woes in alcohol...unfortunately his philosophy is a bit half-fast contrived, because it's long term, ineffective. Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer either felt down in the dumps during this writing session oR they just knew how many people out there might relate to this cognitive processing....the victim in the song, also, apparently wants a pretty and sad song. would that be a C Minor? And my next question that really an effective coping mechanism? The minors tend to feel is the tune intensifying one's agony or is it an aid in expression that could be beneficial and conducive to emotional stability? like PopPop always says, "its not better or worse its just different." -one of my favorite quotes that seems to just sum UP EVERY conversation you might encounter. :P ...Those conversations that you're somewhat puzzled as to how to respond...those are my fav. Let's find a happy medium this time though, if the emotion spirals out of control, hit the next button, eh? Let's see, what's next...

Next iiiiiis Goo Goo Dolls, Iris....
"you bleed just to know you're alive."
Sounds like elf + cows + tilation.
(This is what we call a diagnostic riddle, level one.)
Further discussion required.
MAD GAB: "sell fa mute tele shun"

You wonder: what is this chick doing right now, anyway....
Answer: still at work, 6:36 PM, keeping Kristy company as she paints our Office Sign (looks professional too!) & Reading about Borderline Personality Disorder while listening to Boys II Men (and Baby Face.) "when you're body gets weak and you need some attention." yikes, there's another one! ...these songs that are near and dear really have some serious implications! next...

"I said Georgia, a song of you..." well it is now. 8.3 seconds ago Georgia was not on my mind...thanks Ray. Don't be reachin' out to other arms.

Monday, August 14, 2006


RoCK on!!! I have officially graduated college, my friends! And it is AMAZING! These past 4 years have been a calculation of quite the journious and tumultuous roller coaster of uphill climbs and some downhill thrillers!! whoooohoo!
Thanks to the fam and friends for all the prayers. Praise God that He is always always faithful. And now its just time to go forward....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

sometimes its best to think about the short term.
the long term can be a little overwhelming if you're the kind of person who takes one day at a time, letting God take you where he desires. that's a pretty unique mission, its not always very stable. which never always feels wonderful, but it can be pretty exciting. and no its not for everyone. how cool is it that God gives us specifically designed desires in order to pursue awesomely different goals and dreams. love it.

Friday, August 04, 2006


My head is sayin' "fool, forget it!"
And my heart is sayin' "don't let goOOOo."
"Hold on to the End." and
that's what I intend to DOOooOoo...
Hopelessly devoted...toooooOo SChoOOoOL.
ah dear me....

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I think its gonna be a long-long time! :P

If i could make one wish, at this very moment, I would wish Tumbling Run to be in my back yard! Oh, how wonderful that would be!
whenever you wanted!
you wouldn't have to drive 40 minutes on winding turning roads hoping to find the site...of the best hike EVER. The third's a charm. And it was...leaping from rock to rock, doing your best to not slip in the water, but if you do, no biggie, your in the wild!
wet feet make the rocks a tiny bit more challenging, but what the heck, you're up for a know you have a paper to write when you go home, but you don't care, all you care about is the fresh H2O in your lungs... and you want the moment to last for eternity...and then...when you reach the top, with the last final steps, leaps, pulls, and a blood stains from the toils and snares...
the sun...
peering just above the far-off mountains...
....snap to reality! back to Adolescent Self-Esteem!