Sunday, July 30, 2006
If there's one thing we need more of in this world, it's positive role models and mentors in the lives of children and adolescents... but mentors more than role models. -Because mentors play a direct instrumental role...role models can be this idealist pedestalled being who is an unattainable match, though often inspire vision/dreams. But a mentor is someone who comes alongside an individual to help them grow, teach them life skills, and be of emotional support and encouragement. Our society is running short. Why? do adults know not how to provide this service? Are thy not motivated to initiate this type of relationship? ~Big Brothers and Big Sisters is a cool opportunity for adults to play a positive interactive role in kid's lives - and there's plenty more places to check out as well...sometimes/dare i say all the time, life skills aren't innate automatic attributes distributed apon arrival into a sophisticated human's all apart of generativity!
Fun Stuff: what can parents do with their kids for fun? Go bowling! and maybe even read some scripture in the alley before you start the game? That's cool stuf.
Friday, July 28, 2006
wind swirlin aroun'
with every hair goin 70 miles an hour
A force that is pushin your fingers to move
As your toes are beeboppin
to some old jammin grove
Everything's movin, but your mind is still
not just your everyday-or'inary thrill
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
"Let’s view the body as a well-run massive corporation, with several departments overseeing specific functions of the body. Each department is entrusted with a mission to complete the body’s development for adulthood. During adolescence one of the body’s major tasks is to prepare the body for reproductive functioning. This job is left to the endocrine system. The Department of Endocronic Controls Unit oversees the development and management of procreative administration. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are the major operations coordinators. Their task is to delegate operations in order to arrive at functional reproductive systems completion. The transactions support staff include luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormone personnel. Their primary duty is physical growth stimulation which includes managing sex hormone production and reproductive development and procedures."
Why not? (Beware-not the most ethical approach to life in most applications.)
Who is it that said-where there's a will there's a way???
This will is kickin'. :] It's like the end of an intense swim meet, ooo, the soreness, oooo the push. Amidst every inch of fatique, .. and no matter what place you come in, the accomplishment is great...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Praise God for His Mercy and Grace.
Thanks to Mom for all your support and encouragement.
And Rock On Kev and Laur. Can't wait to see ya in 2 weeks!
You know what makes me smile?
When I can run in the free fresh air for over 1/2 a mile.
You know what else inspires those bright eyes?
the paradoxical collisions that i philosophize...
Though in the end it all amounts to nothingness.
Still continue on, walk in good faith and character...and you'll pass the test. (fortunately there a couple retakes! :P)
Friday, July 21, 2006
What's going on in the world anyway?
Whaaaaaa? power outage in Queens? sorrry dogs.
And Lebanon...that's quite the predicament.
Pirates #2 came out. That's exciting!
Bri's in the field. Stay strong yo.
Missin' Pop and M&M.
Mommom is just way too long. How did the chezkids spend their whole lives calling their grandmother "mommom"? And both grandparents by the same name! Now, you might think that would be pretty annoying in conversation, but we can always tell by conversational context and intonation. It's a language only the family can decode...
BEAAAAAAT. I'm way out of touch. "that's so beat?" I just haven't been able to incorporate this terminology into my active vocabulary. Not that I haven't tried, but anyone can tell, it's not a natural thing to come out between the lips. Language today!
.............thoughts of the moment.
#1 Be careful what you ask for!
#2 I'm faaaaalllin' iiiiiiiNNinin and OUT...of this chaaair.....
#3 Poppop is a little long as well. Stickin' with Pop for PP MacBain. and PP Chez needs to be consulted as to what he prefers. The Mommoms, I'll be on checkin' in with you as well!
Love ya'll.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Necessary for building.... all things.
YES. The tabbed file folder. How wonderfully organized these guys can keep all of your personal and career oriented businaz. I'm a believer! Try it out. Before you know it... you'll be a color-codin' filin' stylin' machine! p.s. life is good. cherish it.
Monday, July 17, 2006
It's a beautiful sight.
And it warms the heart.
When 2 people know without a doubt that they want to spend the rest of their lives with one another... and an unexplainable peace overwhelms them in the midst of thoughts about their future.... That is one of the coolest things on earth. It's not suppose to be an unnerving occassion, but an experience of joy, comfort and excitment!
Not this chick. At least I know I'll be a bridesmaid! It's an honor to be apart of the festivities, maybe sing a tune... I know I have a ton of people who have committed to singing at my wedding, so.. I hope their working on something special. PopPop is preparing a Frank Sinatra # for me, which is exciting. But if I elope, that throws a wrench into things. A good elopement in Hawaii would be pretty neat, but I don't think I could miss out on all the special moments.
Wow, it can happen fast. You're single and cryin' about it one day, and the next, you're engaged!
Kev & Laur have my vote for the coolest occurence.
She saw him from miles away, preaching about love on a hilltop at Virginia Tech, she a freshman and he a senior. "Wow, I want to marry someone like him," she thought.
But they were not yet destined to meet. Kevin moved away for 2 years to live in Dilz and earn some cash....and drive me to high school to every morning. That was his purpose in life.
ah the bonding moments.
Dillsburg was not the place for this guy though.
He found his way back into Laura's peripheral vision in Virgina and began to notice the young vibrant lass.
Laura's prince had finally come!
the story continues to get better... but I have to peace out. and related thought >>Set your eyes on things above. (That brings about the most honorable and healthy relationships.)
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Behold and Become
Remember that one? That was on my heart months ago. And now it's back in. You become what you behold...
Why did God ordain life this way? Why is it that we have to hear, watch and endure so much heartache and sufferings?
I just think it would have been easier for God to have created those individuals who were going to desire Him and forget the rest!
Why did he do it this way?
~Some people would have only one chance I suppose in that system. Like, one strike and you're outta there!
So... couldn't he have just created a perfect world in the beginning... it's not like we'd have to be robotic slaves or anything! I'm sure there could have been a way!
But no, the thing is, He wants those who want Him.
We must show that we desire Him and also demonstrate how grateful we are for his mercy. We have been pardoned by no deed of our own, that's not where I'm going. But if we truly desire God's will, we will seek to know Him, then out of our hearts will flow his goodness which encompasses so much!
The bottom line is- Our God is a Creative God. His plans are a mystery, and as we walk in faithfulness, he will carry out His Purposes. Bottom Line #2 He wants those who want Him.
Friday, July 14, 2006
"50% of successful parenting is making them think you have it all together!" - Momma Maska Reflections :]

Monday, July 10, 2006
I said something really good in a conversation today and I don't want to forget it. :]
"God uses everything for His Glory, if we surrender to Him."
whoooooa, that's a powerful thought!
I was talking to a friend of a friend of a friend who just recently broke up with an Ex-significant of 2 whole years... These were the words of my growing even deeper friend***
FRIEND: admitting that we are weak and have done everything wrong [is how God changes our hearts]. i've lived almost my entire life in a place that wasn't glorifying to Him. and He has really broken my life apart, to show me just how much i need him.
Wow, to be completely broken by the Lord, in order to be molded and built into a strong tower, glowing for Him! Isn't that exciting?
Saturday, July 08, 2006

At times, my rotation processing is befuddled by Jersey signs as well. Good ol' Jerz. Praise God for good friends and morally sound co-workers. I don't know what I would do without God's continual grace.
You know what I love?
Foward Motion. with a little bounce.
As I was running today in Dilz, my high school driver's ed teacher yelled out the window of his mini-van, "WHAT ARE U RUNNING FROM CANDACE?!" He then waved with a smile and a glimmer in his eye. Mr. P. you're a good man. I was listening to my knight's tale sound track on the ipod. Just got a runner's band for the thing. Works out great! The song: "Let it roll." Something about baggage from a previous relationship...
i dunno. what am i running for? or from? what cause? ha. just as I'm typing these words, U2 is in my ear singing, "walk oOOon." Geez, that's quite the opposite! ...I think I'm going to go with somewhere in the middle. The ankle is still healing, so I can't be breakin' out in any sprints, and I'm too impatient to walk. So how 'bout a slow jog? That's all I can muster anyway at this point without becoming further injured. And when I say slow, I'm talking about walking pace with a little bounce. :] But, hey at least I'm out on there.
Passion. You know who had passion?
PAULie the Apostle. Just read Acts and it will blow your mind.
Interesting times.... more to come.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I'm basically half way through my summer course! The time is soon coming that I will be free from undergraduate-level college work! whooohooo! And then maybe in addition, the time will also come, that I stop being a drain on society! That is the hope anyway! :P
My Hero's no particular order
Poppa C ~honesty & loyaL :*
Momma Chez ~creative energy and L-O-V-E thanks for putting up with me. :)
Laur ~contageous energy!
Kev ~delicate balance of chill and drive :]
Bri ~interesting combo of compassion & determination
Cor ~such methodology! ah the logical approach... youuu.
Momma Maska ~the perseverence! & utspah!
What wonderful people. it is I~ who is truly blessed.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Two Hands on the Wheel
One Heart Searchin' through the Thoughts
Me and the Northeast Extension are getting to know each other real well these days. I'm sure I'll have lots of memories with the Sure-Kill. Thankfully, the police officers rarely target silver Hondas carrying scared little girls! Not that there would be reason... but a shock goes through my body every time I encounter a white vehicular mobile with flashing lights: the fuzz.

I felt sorry for the dude in the Ford truck. poor guy. Jersey government has been officially shut down. no funds. The governor regretfully does what he is "forced to do." whoops. So now they pull over as many as they can for whatever reason they can conjur, like, air fresheners hanging from the rearview mirror. That's a serious bum deal!
"Endow me with what I need to do what you want me to." These were the words singing to me as i passed the route 1 exit.
I'm seeing that I just need to trust God that He has taken me through these things for a purpose, that I am where I am for His glory, and that through the uncertainties, He is guiding and protecting my path. Even if my ankle turns, He will bring healing, He'll bring rest, and He'll bring Assurance in His Faithfullness. Because He is Faithful, Always.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
rabbit rabbit
So get Patriotic! In just a few days our nation will come together to celebrate one of the most cherished American values, FReeEEDOM!! How many fond fireworks Memories? clouds of sizzler smoke with the fam, gazing over the Susquehanna River, awing at the pollution to enter the waters... Carlisle's firework presentation really won my heart, however, those weeping willow explosions do it for me- folk outside strummin' a tune on the guitar, a worship song. And then your heart takes you to this place...
Fireworks have a way of intensifying the moment. simply magical. SPEND IT WITH SOMEONE SPEeeeECIAL! :)