Sojourner's Cerebrations

just another sojourner... these feet are not my own, these hands are merely just on loan, they were made to be used and make love known, a fruit of a seed once long ago sown... and though the sojourner carries on as the wind is blown, she knows that she's never ever ever alone.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Piece on Aging

There once was a time when Age elevated one’s status. We’ve all watched those educational videos on Native American and African tribal societies. The chief is the first to be notified of all events, but especially regarding war. The chief, however, was never in his 20’s due to new inventive and progressive ideas! No, the chief was grey and wrinkled, adoring every crease in his forehead and admiring his grey hair as a crown of splendor.

Today, we have come to a point in which aging is a detested natural process of life. This was not even close to being the case in the Colonial Period. Age indicated authority and power. The Elders controlled family life and as it was the central force in society, elders controlled society. But what a transformation since that time! It was Greek philosophy that began planting seeds of abhorrence towards increasing years and before long… the elderly were associated with a stigma of senile craziness and “roll your eyes at” attitude. The disrespect our society has towards its aged population has been growing for decades and is positively correlated (not be confused with causation) with the growth of our nation as a whole.

Industrialization and the Revolution took a toll on American’s perception of aging. The Revolution brought on a shift of relational contract rather than personal loyalty within the work world and even family life. With industrialization, society became even more individualistic and less family oriented. Elders found it more difficult to keep a job in the terrible conditions and immigrants readily came to the states for an opportunity to improve their life, (although it may not have been the improvement they had hoped for). Elders were easily replaced. The 1900- 1930’s demonstrated society’s fear/disgust for age which led to increased discrimination in every arena of life. Youth was glorified and honesty was not withheld, as society moved out of prim and polite to wild and crazy.

As we move on through history, the baby boomers became ever more rebellious and obstinate toward their parents. Who needs family, they wanted to be themselves, their own identity. As we seek to understand how Americans feel about aging today, we see that plastic surgeons are in the right business! No one wants to be old, but what is worse is looking old. Fear not on either occasion! Science is so advanced to this point that we are capable of complete face lifts (you can look like whoever you want!) and also extending cell-life! Studies have been done to prolong the life of a worm 3 times its life expectancy. With just an injection of a protein that blocks/slows the aging process, cells get confused and what do you know your 300 years old! It’s inconceivable that scientists are learning how to trick our body’s aging process! The time may come when scientists can actually thwart the process of aging altogether and we shall become immortal beings!


Everyone needs vision! And everyone needs for it to be refreshed every once in awhile....or DAILY really! Whenever it starts to fade... you gotta go after it! Revive it. CPR. Whatever it takes. Vision is sooo important. Big Dreams. Encouragement from those around us. Support. Don't consider realistic perspective. No way! Dreams aren't realisitic... And let me tell you what, there's always someone who is going to try and rain on the parade! But all I can see is clear bright skies! Praise God that He stays right with us, where ever we go. Unchanging, never-ceasing, consistent, reliable love.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

MAY 25th

This was quite a day for all of us at the Cieslukowski House... the list of events below were entirely too involved to give an adequate portrayal of what kind of craziness was actually going on. I can't miss this opportunity of zombie-like creative-state to relay these quite-interesting happenings. I'll start with the first.

#1 It's a curious thing when you are applying for jobs that give minimal description...."summer job, weekends, call so-n-so, energetic personality!"
I thought to myself- self, why not?
Five hours later, at about the time Momma Chez walked in from work and started chowing down on some dinner, I received a phone call about my response to this ad... "Sooooo you're looking for a summer job? Well i have a great opportunity for you! The city of Harrisburg is implementing a new kind of public transportation system." (cool! i love being apart of something new!...) "We are building a team of athletic indivivuals who are able to transport customers around the city, from restaurant to restaurant and bar to bar, by bike."
"Yes, the hours would be 10 pm to 2:30 am, Friday through Sunday."
WHAT?!?!? GET OUT!!!
"Yes, ma'am this is a system implemented today in many major cities, one being New York, and having much success!" ....i couldn't believe my ears! Was this guy really calling me about taxi-ing drunks around, on a bike, in the middle of Harrisburg?!?! ....uuh, nooo..
...well, YES HE WAS!

As our conversation went into further detail i learned that 2 bicycle taxi's were currently OUT and ABOUT. so, how many women are actually taxi-ing? I was quite concerned. AND I was EXPECTING to hear CONCERN in his voice as well, but NoOOoOOooo. He was all FOR IT! ha! He wanted to rent me out a bike and go to it! I could pocket all the tips I received and this would be my earnings for the night! well, well! sounds like a... big FAT NO! ~oh, wow sir, this sounds like a great opportunity, let me think about it, and I'll contact you if I decide this is a good match for me! Riiiiight, good match?! I'm sure this is my calling in life! I'm sure it's a good match to cruise around Harrisburg, bicycing, inviting those stubbling out of bars to hop on back! "Where can i take you next, sir? 10 feet south, to the next bar? that will be one dollar and twenty-three cents! It was a pleasure doing business with you! I'll be around if you need a lift to the next bar! Who does that? I kind of want to do it once just to put it on my resume of past job experiences.

Dear Lord, if I'm mocking my calling in life, forgive me.... (I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear on that though!) ....Protect those B-taxi's For Goodness Sake! Who knows what kind of dark alleys these folk may need to be B-Taxied to at the end of their night of debauchery!

B-Taxi?!?! saay whaaaaaaaaa???

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Calling All Runners Who Like to Read!

Ultra Marathon Man by Dean Karnazes
do it.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Ultimate Out-of-Body Experience

These are times of intense spiritual connection, when you know without a doubt, the immensity and unity with Our Creator... an experience that envelops one's entire being. A place swirling with, yet altogether calming, elements of peace.. comfort.. and joy.. and honestly, bits of disbelief. -Just not an ordinary occurence for most of us. so what is the ultimate...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


bicycle taxie? say whaaaaat?
100 mile marathon!?
"he's a jackass." settle father.
random run-in's... aaawe.
today is not the 27th! phew!
ability to inspire... mmm. mmm.
Voicin' the opinion. go mom!
Life on Long Island. how 'bout it, Keeeev?
The Scales!! whoohoo!
Divine Inspiration! gotta love it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Much more faith in B&N than that!

I will tell you what!
Do not encounter a Candace with a Beef. It is not pretty at all.
Basically, I found that Barnes & Noble's customer service is in need of great reformation and maybe a little more enthusiasm?
When I go to the book store all I want is to be greated with a friendly "hello hello" darn it!
Sometimes that is the sole purpose of my visit. Observing the quarky people and exchanging conversation with the staff.
Is that too much to ask?
I think not.
So maybe it was that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Was I not meeting the people half way? The efforts on my part were definitely there. Sure, the depths of my being were feelin' sorta crabby, but there was a weak smile on the other end. That's gotta count for something!
And doesn't that just break your heart though? When you can tell someone is trying but they just can't seem to break through their inward resistence, whatever that may be. Well, that's how I felt, especially after searching and searching for this particular autobiography that I had gotten interested in the day before.
The title caught my attention, A Language Older Than Words. I picked it up also because there was this cool image on the cover: a man's hands raising a bird's nest to the opening heavens, the clouds breaking forth, light reaching out and an ascending unhatched birdling. I didn't ponder all the implications of that illustration- I just thought it looked cool. Anyhow, the book was interesting- by Derrick Jensen, an environmentalist speaking on community, family, and nature. 3 issues of which, definitely tug on me heart strings. So I'm into it!
But darn it where the heck is this thing!
Customer Service Counter: She's not into helping me.
Gram! Please, can I just take control of that there mouse and have a looksie?!
~No now I wasn't going to be rude, but she was sooo slow and distracted by her own personal thoughts. great.
I resolved myself to the fact that I wasn't supposed to read about the language older than words that day.
Fine, fine, I'll just pick up something else, it's not like there aren't any other good books among these thousands! Annnnd what else? coffee of course! YAyyy! This stuff is so powerful it's like lip numbing.
So here we go, 2nd staff encounter: "Hello sir may I have a small regular house coffee please?" He just looks at me, "what."
~"um, a small regular house."
A nod, pause, and turn and back to me, "would you like room for cream with that ma'am?" Yesterday, I was taken aback when the attendent asked me if i wanted whipped cream with that. NO WAY! whipped cream? in your coffee? Preposterous! So this is to what I thought he was referring. "Oh no, I don't take "cream" (whipped cream), thanks.... ... ... ...oh buut I will need room for milk! :)" (That always sucks when you can't to fit all the extra goodies in. I'm always overdoing it and then sipping it down, and then filling it up and sipping. ha. it's a homorous situation because you know people are watching and giving a chuckle.)
Anyway! What was this dude's reply? Ah!
"THAT IS CREAM MA'AM!" ~said with a bit of a snarl?!
Well! I never! He was pushin' it.
"oh, okay. sorry. i didn't know that's what you meant." geewiz. these people. what does it take? maybe a little pep-talk before they go on duty would be helpful.
I'm not sure who was at fault for the beef that day, but I'm definitely writting a letter to the CEO on this... i want to see changes. :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Youth Like the Eagle's!

What is go-ing-on here!
This physical body is fallin' apart on me!
Dear Lord, Renew my youth like the Eagle's...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Questions of the Heart:

"Maybe the purpose of the question is to take me by the hand and walk me into the presence of the Creator. My soul cries out and asks the questions meant to lead me to God" (Angela Thomas).

The question is both mysterious and complex.
We are designed to long for the answers and desire truth. which are locked within our spirit. I presume that every answer lies within, however, the love of the Father is the only "card access card" (***Momma Chez :P) that will activate the access blinker until wall comes tumbling down!

***Mom was elated when Leer Electric upgraded to the Security Swiper Box System. She couldn't contain herself! So excited and JUST COULDN"T hide it! She'd be dancing around with her access card and feel so special, only it was one more thing to try and remember before work, "Card access card. where's my card access card? I need my card access card!" HA! why card access card? why not just access card? anyway she didn't want to hear nothing about it... those little things are so cute, so special, and so shake-your-head I love you.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Behold and Become

This is my revelation for the day. Behold and Become! It's not particularly a new concept, there are other adages out there that are similar: what a man thinkth in his heart so also is he, you are what you eat (ha)... what you allow into your spirit will come forth through your outward actions, you know what I'm getting at...and there's plenty others. We know that what we set our minds upon, we will ultimately bear the fruit of such thoughts. Which is why it is so imperative that we fix our hearts on godliness, holiness and justice. No more conforming to the patterns of societal teachings. No looking at mass media and desiring what they promote. Happiness and Purpose are far from their frivolity and temporary satisfactions.

Behold the Love of the Father.
And it shall be revealed unto you...
Become enveloped by Love.
Behold. Honor. Adore. Glorify.
Behold Grace, and it shall be given unto you.
Adore the Radiant Mysteries of God.
And they shall become apart of you.
You become what you behold.

And today~ Behold the Gift of Mothers. I love you Momma Chez. :*

Friday, May 12, 2006

aH yes. Thank You Lord for Your Goodness. Praise you for clean cars, working iPods, beautiful music, hilarious friends, generous hearts, lovely sunrises... the simplicities that we must open our eyes to see and the complexities that we must bow our heads to understand.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In His Name

As I was running today...The Lord reminded me of His Power, that whatever we ask in His Name, it shall be given unto us. And especially if it is a promise we felt like we've heard from the Lord. Sometimes the promises that God has revealed to us do not become a reality because we have little faith. Now I know even the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, but I haven't heard of too many mountains relocating. So where is the faith people? I know in my life, its been lacking...and I felt like i got a kick in the butt today by the Almighty ~"Girl, get with it! Hop on board, I'm doing some sweet action things!" I actually spiced that up a little, I can't picture the Lord saying "sweet action." You never know. So really...that's exciting. Believe and receive, pray and have faith, and I believe you'll see GOd at work in a new way.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

wow. yesterday was the longest day of my life.
Stephanie and i spent the whole day creating a policy to fight poverty and then what was left, studying Child D. The encounters of my day were simply astounding...some divinely appointed engagements. Praise the Lord for His Goodness, His Peace, and His Mercy.
My college career is coming to a close. A new phase soon to begin.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

my heart is sofened
Lord do your thing
i find myself here
but you are good
i need not doubt
you know ur plans
inside then out

so i must go
forward to you...

and there to find, a love that is true.
love unconditional, peace beoyond.
fountainous wonder, inseparable bond.

And through it all~ surrendering.
giving my life~ to You my King!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Is there a hell?

As a junior in high school my youth pastor gave a "talk" on what it's like to be in hell based on some of the Jesus' descriptions and other scriptures in the New Testament. But I remember wondering. What if there isn't a hell.

When I came to college I met this weirdo ~Kristy~ who wanted to be my friend for some odd reason. Unfortunately I came to college with the idea that I was not going to make a any new friends so that i could focus on my studies and be free of people and their drama. Somehow Kristy cracked my code, though it wasn't as easy task, and we became bethtest frethns. She and I read Mere Christianity together... and engaged in many a philosophical discussion.

Of course, we never came to a conclusion as to whether or not there is a hell. My next question is how many Christians would actually even contemplate the idea? Probably not very many. Are we a Different Kind of Christian than those from the previous generation? Mom is sure that there is a Hell. She said it might not be what everyone thinks that it is, or exist in the same form as what people tend to think....but ~there's a hell.

Fall 2002: K & C:
Is there a Hell? Well, maybe Hell is just the absense of God, but if God is everywhere, but he can't be in Hell, then maybe hell is the absense of existing at all. Wouldn't that be Hell? On judgement day when The Lord's glory is revealed in all it's fullness. Too see it... and then know what your going to miss out on? Or will they not even realize it? Would their desire for power and self-glory obscure their recognition of truth anyway?

Or is God's presence in hell -and that's what makes it even more unbearable, you can feel His Power, but can't participate in His Glory. Now that's Punishment. Eternal Punishment.

OOR is hell merely a scare tactic of evangelism? Now that's a terrible thought. But some proclaim their salvation and the first words out their lips is, I don't want to go to hell! The imaginative/internal mouth in my mind DROPS, hopefully it doesn't show on my face too much. That's just not the point of religion....oh hell. i dunno. :]

Friday, May 05, 2006

beautiful mystery, beautiful truth.
cherish this treasure, treause these days.

Though they mayn't to the mind, make very much sense.
Spare not a second...

Drink up the moment though... with cautiousness.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Joys Shall Continue

"Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you"
-1 Samuel 12:24

I am thinking about Joy but I certainly have not overlooked brokenness these past few days. Brokenness spurs us on to Repentence and then Healing and Restoration. In the midst of Brokenness, a godly spirit, the Joy of the Lord is our Strength.

Yesterday i came across several joys. #1 Adam told me he could get the dent out of my car: payment free! #2 Studying for 3 and half hours with Elisia, basking in the sun! #3 I rocked my Exam. #4 Amy in Goth attire. #5 Lucas in Pink. #6 Avocado and Hommus. #7 In bed by 1am. #8 Alicia's beautiful face. #9 Words of Life Experience by Eric. #10 Phone tag with Jeremy. #11 Helpful automotive sales clerks. #12 Apology Letters. and finally #13 the possibility of Kristy Maska settlin' in Pickletown! haha... never thought I'd hear that one!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The best advice someone can give you is, "Give it to God." Sure those are a vague 4 words, but when you have it down....when you can truly give The Lord the things that are weighing on your heart -that is pure peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding. With anything in life, stress, hurt, wounds from the past, future worries, relational disturbances, mistakes...really letting go is not an easy task. I wonder what the actual process is... Can one just ask the simple request, Lord, take this burden from me, I give it to you..and instantaneous relief follows? I'm not so sure. I do know that you gotta mean it, you gotta feel it, you have to truly believe God is capable. Even the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains.