There once was a time when Age elevated one’s status. We’ve all watched those educational videos on Native American and African tribal societies. The chief is the first to be notified of all events, but especially regarding war. The chief, however, was never in his 20’s due to new inventive and progressive ideas! No, the chief was grey and wrinkled, adoring every crease in his forehead and admiring his grey hair as a crown of splendor.
Today, we have come to a point in which aging is a detested natural process of life. This was not even close to being the case in the Colonial Period. Age indicated authority and power. The Elders controlled family life and as it was the central force in society, elders controlled society. But what a transformation since that time! It was Greek philosophy that began planting seeds of abhorrence towards increasing years and before long… the elderly were associated with a stigma of senile craziness and “roll your eyes at” attitude. The disrespect our society has towards its aged population has been growing for decades and is positively correlated (not be confused with causation) with the growth of our nation as a whole.
Industrialization and the Revolution took a toll on American’s perception of aging. The Revolution brought on a shift of relational contract rather than personal loyalty within the work world and even family life. With industrialization, society became even more individualistic and less family oriented. Elders found it more difficult to keep a job in the terrible conditions and immigrants readily came to the states for an opportunity to improve their life, (although it may not have been the improvement they had hoped for). Elders were easily replaced. The 1900- 1930’s demonstrated society’s fear/disgust for age which led to increased discrimination in every arena of life. Youth was glorified and honesty was not withheld, as society moved out of prim and polite to wild and crazy.
As we move on through history, the baby boomers became ever more rebellious and obstinate toward their parents. Who needs family, they wanted to be themselves, their own identity. As we seek to understand how Americans feel about aging today, we see that plastic surgeons are in the right business! No one wants to be old, but what is worse is looking old. Fear not on either occasion! Science is so advanced to this point that we are capable of complete face lifts (you can look like whoever you want!) and also extending cell-life! Studies have been done to prolong the life of a worm 3 times its life expectancy. With just an injection of a protein that blocks/slows the aging process, cells get confused and what do you know your 300 years old! It’s inconceivable that scientists are learning how to trick our body’s aging process! The time may come when scientists can actually thwart the process of aging altogether and we shall become immortal beings!